The Waikato Story

The mighty Waikato region is a place of powerful possibilities.

Forged by a proud history and shared excitement about the future, we grow and celebrate world-changers, local innovators and inspiring champions. They embrace our guiding philosophy of mahia te mahi – to get the job done.

In a world hungry for new technology and pure produce, we hold prime position. Our smart, fast-growing city and vibrant rural towns are connected in a diverse landscape that is fertile and ripe for discovery. 

Waikato is our turangawaewae; the place where we stand. Here, family is nurtured. Friends are welcomed with open hearts, and life can be easily enjoyed to the full.

This is our place.

This is your place.

Welcome to Waikato, the beating heart of New Zealand.


The story is not the last word about what we are now and what we aspire to be in the future. It’s a simple framework to guide the creative development of videos, stories and presentations about the benefits of choosing Waikato to WORK, LIVE, STUDY, VISIT and INVEST.